Dear readers, as promised, here is the second installment in a series of four writings on psychology. You may be wondering what psychology has to do with loss, so let’s take a look and perhaps learn a few things. In this text, I will be using the STKG manual (Stress, trauma, crisis, loss), written by… Continue reading Embracing Grief: A Journey Through Loss and Recovery
Blog o gubitku.
Dragi moji čitaoci, kao što sam i obećao, evo i drugog bloga iz psihologije. Možda se pitate šta psihologija ima sa gubitkom, pa evo da vidimo i možda i naučimo neke stvari. U ovom tekstu ću koristit STKG priručnik, koji je napisala moja draga mentorka prof. dr Nila Kapor Stanulović (Stanulović-Kapor, 2021) i naravno druge… Continue reading Blog o gubitku.
Release valve as a coping mechanism
Dear readers, Finally, here is the translation of my latest blog post. Apologies for the delay; it took a bit longer than anticipated. In a conversation with my dear friend Damira, we decided to write a blog each, in our own direction but to motivate each other to write a bit more frequently—I will write… Continue reading Release valve as a coping mechanism
Ispusni Ventil Blog
Dragi čitaoci, Razgovarah sa mojom dragom prijateljicom Damirom. Odlučismo da napišemo po jedan blog, svako svoju stranicu, ali i da motivišemo jedno drugo da malo češće pišemo. Ja ću pisati o „ispusnom ventilu“ kao mehanizmu za upravljanje stresom ((„the coping mechanism“ na engleskom – ako neko zna adekvatniji termin, molim da mi javi).(“strategije prevladavanja (stresa)”… Continue reading Ispusni Ventil Blog
Is there life after life.
Dear reader, I am delighted to present the translated version of my thesis. Given its length, I have organized it into sections across different pages for easier navigation. I encourage you to read through all the pages to grasp the full narrative. However, if you find raw data and graphs less appealing, feel free to… Continue reading Is there life after life.
Essay on Hierarchical Inefficiency
For some time now, I’ve been thinking about how we function as a society, and to be honest, I don’t know how we achieve anything. Let’s acquaint ourselves with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid to understand this better. According to Maslow, at the lowest level are physiological needs such as food, health, sleep, sex, etc.… Continue reading Essay on Hierarchical Inefficiency
Anniversaries I rather skip.
What does one do when heaven and earth become one, well this “one” sinful mortal weeps, that same mortal questions the heavens why? Why do you keep taking the best of us, where is the fairness in that? ( I wrote this on Sept. 20 2022 one of the worst days in my life) It… Continue reading Anniversaries I rather skip.
Korona, šta?
Na početku želim da se izvinim čitaocima što nisam bio previše aktivan u proteklih nekoliko mjeseci, evidentno da je sa ovom situacijom oko korone sve stalo, pa tako i moja interpretativna sposobnost pisanja, dok pišem ove redove nadam se da ste mi svi dobro, kao i vaše porodice i prijatelji, za one naše drage i… Continue reading Korona, šta?
Osmjeh je najbolji lijek
Većina ljudi me zna kao osobu sa osmjehom. Primijetim ponekad da me ljudi gledaju, možda misle šta je sa ovim čovjekom, jer nažalost, živimo u vremenu u kojem je osmjeh nepoželjan. Nedavno mi je prijateljica predložila da napišem post o tome – i evo ga. ( Nedavno je 2015, igrom slučaja moja stranica je hakovana… Continue reading Osmjeh je najbolji lijek
Živjeti sa rupom u grudima.
Mislio sam da nikada neću pisati o ovome, naravno pogrešio sam, znate kakom su naše konverzacije počinjale, rekao bih “ Zdravo mama” svaki put bi odgovorila sa srećnim naglaskom “ Bozi, jesi li to ti? baš mi je bio nikakav dan, ali mi je sad bolje produžio si mi život bar 10 godina” na šta… Continue reading Živjeti sa rupom u grudima.