Dear readers, as promised, here is the second installment in a series of four writings on psychology. You may be wondering what psychology has to do with loss, so let’s take a look and perhaps learn a few things. In this text, I will be using the STKG manual (Stress, trauma, crisis, loss), written by… Continue reading Embracing Grief: A Journey Through Loss and Recovery
Category: Loss
Blog o gubitku.
Dragi moji čitaoci, kao što sam i obećao, evo i drugog bloga iz psihologije. Možda se pitate šta psihologija ima sa gubitkom, pa evo da vidimo i možda i naučimo neke stvari. U ovom tekstu ću koristit STKG priručnik, koji je napisala moja draga mentorka prof. dr Nila Kapor Stanulović (Stanulović-Kapor, 2021) i naravno druge… Continue reading Blog o gubitku.