What does one do when heaven and earth become one, well this “one” sinful mortal weeps, that same mortal questions the heavens why? Why do you keep taking the best of us, where is the fairness in that? ( I wrote this on Sept. 20 2022 one of the worst days in my life)
It seems that I have been writing about his more than I would like to, in the last blog I wrote about living with a BIG hole in my heart. Pain they say becomes easier with time, I disagree, it actually gets harder, I am of those that believe that we just move from one life to another like changing clothes as Eben Aleksander says in his book “ Proof of Heaven” I, being a witness to the other realm, I should feel better or easier but still, I don’t, losing my brother is hard to explain. He was
something of a puzzle to me, he never complained about anything even though he was going through cancer treatment, I talked to him on daily basis and never ever heard him complain, he was always smiling, even so, I knew that he was going through hell, and yes “hell” is here on earth, a concept invented by our religions to
better control us and manipulate us, there is no such thing in the afterlife, as millions will tell you, all the ones that actually passed through the tunnel and reached the other side, according to recent studies 4% of people have some form of NDE (Near Death Experience)
if we look a little deeper that is about 280 million people, that is a significant number by every measure, and honestly we should all
be more interested in this phenomena then we currently are, interesting enough my family witnessed this first hand during the last moments of my big brother’s life in this realm, so my dear reader heed me and share this with your loved ones, when someone is dying or in hospital, mind you words and thoughts because they feel it all and they are listening to all, just because they are not able to respond they are listening and watching.
The family somewhere in early 1980.
How does one explain this to those of you that don’t believe in this, well believing is not necessary to do the right thing, and the right thing here is being thoughtful, if I am wrong you got nothing to lose, if I am right you have everything to gain, as I said to my loved ones mind your words cause there will come a time when you have to face your own words as the person that said them and the person that
received them, maybe this is all not to clear to you my dear reader, but I wil walk-roll you through it, have you ever been in a room of a dying person? if not I will tell you my experiences (notice its plural) I worked in hospice for a lot of years, and many people died in my presence, they mostly had one thing in common or maybe
two, they knew the time was up, and a lot of them would talk to people who were long gone to the land of light, in the last moments of the time in this realm they would have a smile, the interesting thing is that most of them were terminally ill and were in great pain, but the last moments were always smiles, during the thesis research I did, I read that Steve Jobs in his last moments before he left according to his sister he said ” WOW, WOW, WOW.” with a smile in his face, what do you think happened?
Me and my brother some years ago.
As I am sure most of us have either watched or read “Lord of the ring” in one part Gandalf the white say “Death is just another path we all must take. “what did he mean here, or another piece I read somewhere “Death is like a train station, you are just moving from one station to another because we will be forever in existence just in another station in our way to transcendence” (write unknown) what is Transcendence really ( existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level). During my thesis research I kept ruing into a
phenomenon that is described as becoming one with the light, traveling through the tunnel going towards the light, existing outside the body, etc. then we watch movies and series where some beings go in to the light, many people have visons of this kind of light
and some even see when a person dies that a small light leaves the body, or just like in the case of C. Jung when he broke his foot and had a heart attack (1944) he had a NDE and the nurse that was taking care of him said that the room was dim and in one moment she had a sense like someone put the lights on, even do that no one did, she told him that this sometimes happens before someone dies, have any of you heard of this, if yes please contact me, in the near future I will be writing a blog on NDE, here I will just try and
simply explain, if that is even possible. I have often wondered if the brains is capable of such great imagination, was it a dream or some type of hallucinations, and what is an NDE, according to Wikipedia: A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers claim share similar characteristic. When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitating , total serenity, security, warmth,
the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light. When negative, such experiences may include sensation of anguish and distress. Although NDE’s vary from one person to another, they often include such features as the following: feeling very
comfortable and free of pain, a sensation of leaving the body, sometimes being able to see the physical body while floating above it, the mind functioning more clearly and more rapidly than usual, sensation of being drawn into a tunnel or darkness, a brilliant light,
sometimes at the end of the tunnel, a sense of overwhelming peace, well-being, or absolute, unconditional love, a sense of having access to unlimited knowledge, a “life review,” or recall of important events in the past, a preview of future events yet to come, encounters
with deceased loved ones, or with other beings that may be identified as religious figures.

If any of its true, and I believe most is, we should all think a bit about our life choices and how we deal with our fellow man, I truly believe that my brother is in heaven- Valhalla- paradise or how ever you call that place, looking down at us and probably having a Heineken and a cigaret, talking to all of those that went before him and joking about us in this realm, in my long life I read and researched many
things, one of them was theology, so I am quite versed in many of the religions, in old times when a Viking faced imminent death they recited this verse (Lo there do I see my father and mother, Lo there do I see my brothers and sisters, Lo there do I see my line of people from the beginning of time in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave will live forever) what did they mean by this? Her is another jewel that I read many years ago from my favorite person “Everything is
light, and remember that there is no man that has existed that has not died, they transformed into light and as such still exist. “ (Nikola Tesla)
“This world is just a preparation for the next one that all we can ask is to live it having loved and being loved.” (bushido’s beliefs)
According to Dante Alighieri heaven is pure light.
And for the end, I would like to say that this blog will be published I hope February 10, that’s not an accident that is my 28 birthday, you are probably wondering about that, Feb 10, 1995, I was shot during an attempted robbery while I was working, I got 4 bullets and the problems just began there for me, but I made quite a life for
myself, so my dear reader make the best of this life, it’s just a journey from one station to the other, in the end, we only take our memories with us, let us try and take more smiles and happy moments, for all my fallen kin “I see you in the next round” and you my dear reader I send you a hug and a smile in hope that I get one back from you.
Wow that was awesome I would love to read a book when you write it you’re unbelievable I love you zemer ?❤❤?
Wow very well said ,I love it , lots of people should look at u and see a person that doesn’t give up that easy , u when thru hell and back but u came out of it a champ as
Peri would say, love u always, and I will never forget this day❤️?
Oh my….. how did I not know you were on the path to enlightenment??? Good for you! This is awesome! Your writing is amazing and so engaging! Well done great sir!
Wow this is very nice my Brother
Wise words my friend.Beautiful and intense. Empathy, love and enjoy life to the fullest with the ones we love should be the everyday moto
Beny gjithmone me thoshte se je intelligjent e I zgjuar,dhe qe ke bagazh e lexon shume,por shkrimet tuaja s’jane shkrime novele,por pure filozofi,dhimbje,jete ,vuajtje,humbje te njerezve qe ju perjetoni humbjen fizike te tyre po ajo drita e tyre te frymezo te pershkruash dhimbjen e mungeses se tyre ,shkrimet tuaja jane teper prekse dhe shume me nivel,ju admiroj për aftesite e preceptimit te jetes,dhe stacioneve qe do ndalojme ,si kalimtare qe jemi,presim me pa durim te lexojm more ne te ardhmen,cdo fjale nje ‘Pearl’?
Beny gjithmone me thoshte se je intelligjent e I zgjuar,dhe qe ke bagazh e lexon shume,por shkrimet tuaja s’jane shkrime novele,por pure filozofi,dhimbje,jete ,vuajtje,humbje te njerezve qe ju perjetoni humbjen fizike te tyre po ajo drita e tyre te frymezo te pershkruash dhimbjen e mungeses se tyre ,shkrimet tuaja jane teper prekse dhe shume me nivel,ju admiroj për aftesite e preceptimit te jetes,dhe stacioneve qe do ndalojme ,si kalimtare qe jemi,presim me pa durim te lexojm more ne te ardhmen,cdo fjale nje ‘Pearl’?