Data Collection Procedure and Sample
For the purposes of this thesis, I used the “Google Forms questionnaire” method for data collection. The research was conducted in an online format, and I contacted various organizations and NGOs that deal with this phenomenon. The number of respondents is 31, a number chosen because it is very significant to me.
The majority of the respondents were female – 16 (51.6%), while 14 respondents (45.6%) were male.
Ten respondents (32%) were older than 47 years, nine respondents (29%) were in the age group of 26 to 35 years, seven respondents (22%) were in the age group of 36 to 46 years, while five respondents (16%) were in the age group of 16 to 25 years.”
The text provides details about the methodology and demographic breakdown of the respondents in the research.
Data Collection Instrument
Questionnaire: For the purposes of this thesis, a questionnaire consisting of 22 questions (items) was used, similar to the Grayscale questionnaire (Greyson, 1983) which consists of 16 items. To recognize an NDE, at least 7 items have to be positive. This kind of questionnaire is used for the purpose we are researching. The questionnaire is specifically designed for the purpose of this research, which relates to the cognitive components of the experience, affective components, and paranormal components of the experience. My questionnaire has five items set in the form of a Likert scale, which examines various facts related to NDE. The reliability of these items from my research was analyzed with Cronbach’s coefficient, which is very high (α=0.821).
The text provides an in-depth description of the research tool and its structure, as well as the methodology applied and the reliability of the questionnaire.
Research Results and Discussion.
As we can see from Table 1, 28 surveyed respondents stated that during their experiences there was an event that was life-threatening. One respondent answered ‘no’, and two respondents answered ‘don’t know’.
Table 2 “Based on the received answers, for the question where respondents were asked whether they felt detached from their body when they experienced an NDE, from Table number 2 we see that the majority of them (28 respondents) stated that they felt that way, 1 respondent did not, while 2 respondents do not know.”
Note: NDE stands for “Near-Death Experience”.
From Table 3, it’s evident that 80.6% (25 out of 31 respondents) reported seeing a light of mystical or otherworldly nature during their Near-Death Experience (NDE). In contrast, 12.9% (4 respondents) described it as an “unusually bright light”, and 6.5% (2 respondents) didn’t see any light. The question aimed to determine if participants perceived or were enveloped by a brilliant light during their NDE.
Respondents were asked if they felt they had entered another, non-earthly world when they experienced an NDE. From Table 4, we can see that the majority of them (24 respondents) stated that they felt they had entered a clear, mystical, or extraterrestrial realm; 3 respondents said it seemed they had entered an unknown and strange place, while one respondent said he was in a place that resembled Valhalla, from Norse myths, where all warriors go to live until the end of time. One respondent mentioned that he felt he was in a very peaceful place…”
For this question, respondents were asked if they felt they had encountered a mystical being or presence, or heard an unidentifiable voice at the time they experienced an NDE. From Table 5, we can see that the majority (17) of respondents stated that they met with a certain being or voice of mystical or extraterrestrial origin; 7 respondents answered that they heard a voice they couldn’t recognize, 3 respondents stated they did not meet anyone, while 4 respondents mentioned something else (they saw people who had already died, which is very common in our culture for someone nearing death to converse with someone long deceased. This phenomenon is often accompanied by a light in the room of those who are dying, as reported by nurses working in Hospice hospitals. We will also mention Jung’s case where a nurse said the room was shining, which is a sign that someone is dying (Jung, 2020)).”
Respondents were asked if they reached a boundary or point of no return when they experienced an NDE. Based on Table 6, we can see that the majority of respondents (13) stated that they reached a barrier they were not allowed to cross or were sent back against their will, 9 respondents said they were told to return, and 6 respondents stated that they came to a conscious decision to return to life.”
Wow cuz beautiful work! Very interesting couldn’t skip through it read every page! Very proud of you for putting this thesis together. Keep up the good work! You were always one of a kind and truly our Lion!